Why Social Media May Not Be Working For Your Business

Do you feel like you have hit a wall with your business’s social media strategy? While many know social media is a strong marketing tactic, very few know how to use it for their specific business. Entrepreneurs and businesses repeatedly make basic mistakes that limit their ability to grow and engage with their audience.

How Well Do You Know Your Audience?

The most common mistake is not knowing your audience. Typically, businesses will try to spread the word to everyone. This mistake can waste a company’s time and money by not directing their resources towards anything effective. Connecting with people is your first step to making a sale. Therefore, do not use resources on people you cannot make a connection with. This all comes down to knowing your target audience. This includes- what they need, what they want, and where you fit into the mix.


Another common mistake is inconsistency. This is an important factor to keep current followers and to gain engagement on your social media profiles. That said, consistency does not mean posting every day but rather finding a posting schedule that works for you and sticking with it. This gives followers a constant reason to go back to your profile. Businesses must also be consistent with their type of content. Content-type could range from graphics to videos and should always be related back to the target audience. This ensures that your followers are the type of followers you want.

A Following vs. Followers:

The third most common mistake businesses make is simply trying to build a following. They are not just followers, but potential customers. This makes it appealing to have so many, however, their level of potential is what is important. The numbers may look pretty, but unless those people are likely to become paying customers, they are not helping your cause (can you say vanity metric??). If you do not think about an audience that is right for your business, then you will just end up preaching to a room full of bodies.

Do you feel like your company online brand could use a boost in these areas? You are not alone! Give our team a call today for a 30-minute buzz session. We are happy to help!


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